HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 3 (2022)

Potential of Interactive ICT-Based Instructional Material to Develop the Vocabulary Skills of Grade 7 Students of Amontay National High School

Aillen Lopez

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to identify the potential of Interactive ICT-Based Instructional material to develop the vocabulary skills of selected grade 7 students of Amontay National High School. A quasiexperimental method of research was used in the completion of this research. The collected data were statistically analyzed, using percentage score, 90% - 100% interpreted as outstanding, 85%-89% very satisfactory, 80%-84% satisfactory, 75%-79% fairly satisfactory and below 75% did not meet expectations which were based on DepEd Order No.8, s.2015. On the other hand, the difference between the pre-test and post- test of the learners was statistically analyzed using paired sample t-test. The respondents of the study were the 35 grade 7 students who answered a validated survey and assessment questionnaire. Findings revealed that the majority of the words encountered by the grade 7 students in their subjects were very much unfamiliar. However, after using the Interactive ICTBased Instructional material, their performance improved significantly. Findings also revealed that the difference between the pre-test and post-test in spelling meaning and grammar are statistically significant (p-value = .000) at 0.05 level of significance which rejected the null hypothesis for spelling, meaning, and grammar. The existence of significant difference tells that the proficiency in vocabulary skills of the grade 7 students in the pre-test and post-test differ significantly, likewise, findings revealed that the interactive ICT-based instructional material has the potential to develop the vocabulary skills of the Grade 7 learners, where reading comprehension may be added. Based on the conclusions, it was recommended that schools use the proposed enhanced Interactive ICT-Based instructional material for grade 7 students’ vocabulary skills development in spelling, meaning, and grammar. Other language aspects may still be explored as to the involvement of reading comprehensionactivities.