HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 7 (2023)

21st-Century Teaching Skills Practices of Multi-grade Teachers and the Pupil’s Academic Performance: Basis for an Intervention Measure

Marcia Ducao

Discipline: Education



The expediency of revisiting the 21st century teaching skills gravitate the demands of the learners’ capacity to learn. This was worsened when a teacher is assigned in a multi-grade – handling different levels of learners while sustaining the quality education afforded to the pupils. With limited studies conducted regarding this area, the researcher opted to focus only as to how these teachers are able to sustain in teaching multi-grade level. This study determined the level of multi-grade teachers’ teaching skills practices to the academic performance of the learners. This study utilized quantitative research design anchoring the descriptive statistical tools such as the weighted mean, Pearson r, Chi Square and Anova to have a database line for an intervention measure. A survey questionnaire was deployed in order to elicit relevant data that can provide light in answering the gap of the study. There were 31 teachers that served as the respondents of this study. The results showed that the degree of relationship between teachers’ profile and level of practices showed that, all the variables were results to insignificant. Degree of correlation between teachers’ level of the practices on the 21st century teaching skills and the academic performance. It revealed that the computed given data results to insignificant degree of correlation between the two variables. The degree of variance in the level of practices on the 21st century skills showed that there were no two schools in the district met the level of significance of 0.05. All data results in the different school were above the level of significance. The results of the study generated an important message that the pupils of today which are tagged as computer generation learners need teachers who can provide a learning environment wherein 21st century skills are honed. This study recommended for a further investigation of the lived experiences of the multi-grade teachers in handling the responsibility of coping the demands of this era towards increasing the academic performance of the learners