HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 1 (2023)

Similarities and Differences of Clinical Depression and Dark Night of the Soul: A Systematic Review

Christian Khiel Unto

Discipline: Education



Dark Night of the Soul is a description of the Catholic mystic St. John of the Cross about a spiritual process in which an individual experiences spiritual dryness. There seems to be an overlap of the said spiritual process with clinical depression, hence, this study aims to systematically review the similarities and differences of the two indicated variables. Google Scholar and Ebsco databases were used in searching. Journal articles and dissertations were included for the systematic review. The review revealed that individuals suffering the Dark Night of the Soul evidently present symptoms of clinical depression. However, these symptoms are only within the context of their spirituality and they’re able to maintain vitality in other aspects of their lives. While the clinically depressed often present suicidal tendencies and the desire to quickly end their suffering, those who undergo the Dark Night have a stronger desire to live and to prolong their suffering for the sake of purification. Both the clinically depressed and those undergoing the Dark Night show profound irritation, but the former display irritation that deliberately affect their functioning and social life. The presented similarities and differences are but few of the notable comparisons between the two. However, there often seem to be a thin line between clinical depression and the Dark Night of the Soul, and professionals are suggested to properly evaluate whether an individual who reports depression needs spiritual care, psychological intervention, or both. With this being said, further researches about the two variables are warranted.