HomeThe Asia-Pacific Education Researchervol. 12 no. 2 (2003)

Teachers' Teaching Practices and Mathematical Concepts Elementary School Teachers' Teaching Practices and Their Knowledge of Mathematical Concepts

Teresita Bambico | Yoshinori Tabata

Discipline: Education



The authors present the extent to which a professional development program referred to in this paper as the intervention program affected the two variables: teachers' teaching practices and knowledge of mathematical concepts, as compared to three other variables: age, educational attainment, and teaching experience after the intervention program. Differences and relationships between these two variables before and after the intervention were found to be significant. Correlations between educational attainment and the two variables: teaching practices and knowledge of mathematical concepts were not significant as was the correlation between teaching experience and the two variables. However, age was found to be moderately and negatively correlated with the two variables, albeit not significant at .05 level. In addition, the areas in mathematics where the teachers performed best/least were examined. Generally, the results and discussion in this paper may serve as a catalyst from which necessary remediation and modification of school and professional development programs could emanate.