HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Impact of Internal Faculty Development Programs on Teaching Effectiveness: An Assessment

Corazon C. Gregorio

Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching



The primary goal of this study was to describe the impact of internal faculty development program seminars on teaching effectiveness of the teachers of TIP-Manila.  Specifically, this study determined the profile of the teacher-respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of internal faculty development program seminars attended, and length of teaching experience.  It also assessed the internal faculty development program seminars, resource person-related factors and the level of effectiveness of the teachers before and after the internal faculty development program seminars. It also attempted to determine if there is a significant difference that exists between the level of effectiveness of the teachers before and after attending the internal faculty development program seminars.

The respondents of the study were composed of fifty (50) teachers that were officially appointed for summer teaching, 2008.  The main research instrument used in this study was a researcher constructed questionnaire that consisted of two (2) parts.  The first part of the questionnaire was prepared to facilitate the gathering of personal data, and the second part was about the respondents’ assessment of the impact and level of importance of internal faculty development program seminars on teaching effectiveness.

            Six areas were considered in the assessment of the levels of teaching effectiveness of the teachers of Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila before and after the internal faculty development program seminars.  Analysis was done in the specific areas namely:  mastery of subject matter, methods and strategies, classroom management, punctuality and attendance, command of the language of instruction, attitude towards the students, and observance of school policies.