HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 3 no. 1 (2010)

Man and Society as Portrayed in J.D. Salinger’s Novel “The Catcher in the Rye”: Implications to an Enhanced Instructional Design

Caleb Donne E. Coniate

Discipline: Education, Literature



When it was published in the early period of the conservative fifties, Jerome David Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” scandalized American academicians to a great extent, so that the novel was banned from most schools and public libraries mainly its use of foul language and its theme of teenage rebellion and reclusion. From the point of view of empirical investigation, this study seeks to analyze what could probably be viewed today as an erroneous judgment on J. D. Salinger’s novel - during the time of its publication in the early fifties. This study may reveal the value to social, emotional, psychological, and intellectual realities that could be lessons of value to learners in todays’ classroom.


This paper re-examines the true worth of Salinger’s most famous work by delving into the incidents in the late author’s life that are reflected in the chronicle of events laid down in the novel. Translating all the literary elements used in the book into educational significance, could probably find good use in literature classes and in real life.