Ma. Mayla Imelda M. Lapa | Laurence Garcia | Jezyl T. Cempron | Antonieta Obiedo
Discipline: Law, Child Development
Discipline in the Filipino culture is often carried out as a corporal punishment, which, if carried to the extreme would constitute an abusive situation. The study sought to make an accurate picture of child abuse. The study used the descriptive research using documentary analysis. Results of the study revealed that the greater incidence of child abuse occurred most commonly in female children between the ages 12 – 18 years old, in families with low socio-economic level and to parents whose highest educational attainment were high school level. These abuses lasted for 1 – 5 years before being reported to the proper authorities for intervention. Most perpetrators of the abuses were the male neighbors followed by the female neighbors and the cohabiting husband; adults whom the parent/s entrust the care of their children. The study revealed that the most common form of abuse was physical abuse in the form of hitting, followed by child-rape, spousal abuse in the presence of the child and verbal assault, respectively. The study concluded that child abuse damages the child not only physically but also psychologically. The parents’ low socio-economic status contributed to the stress and trauma of the child.
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9 months ago
where is the full article