HomeCLOUDvol. 3 no. 1 (2015)


Mark Anthony Castro | Lucky Gabriel | Ryan Jamero | Michael Ryan Macasaet | Vincent Anthony Rivera | Shenna Rhea A. Maranguit



Recently, the technology brought remarkable tools to aid people to live conveniently and easily. Some of these technologies made even greater impact as manifested by its growing users. Android device and Google applications like Google Map are just a few. Both have helped people in various ways. The purpose of this study was to create an Android application that would display all garbage collection points and suggest the nearest garbage collection points based on your current location using the Google Map. The 4D model was used by the researcher to guide the development of this application. There are two components of the system, the web component for administrator and the android component for user. User acceptance test was conducted to validate the requirements of specification of the system. The result shows that the application functions well if the android device has updated Google Map, higher version of android API, and strong Internet connection. In conclusion, the study was able to partially solve the problem of proper disposal of solid waste materials through enabling the community to locate the nearest garbage collection point and CENRO to disseminate the updated garbage collection point.