HomePULSARvol. 3 no. 1 (2014)


Cristy Marie C. Masalta | Aaron Paul R. Paciente | Martin C. Sorolla | Shiela Mae V. Quinamot



This study aimed to design an electronic stethoscope that allowed medical practitioners and patients to hear internal body noise coming from heart, lungs and diaphragm through audio speaker. This is a portable device and powered only by DC (direct current) supply such as battery. The sound of the device output will be determined and compared with the traditional stethoscope to the electronic stethoscope. The device’s functions and features effectiveness will test and evaluated by specific respondents in related to technology engineering and health cares. This project design entailed descriptive and experimental development method. The effectiveness of the output of the study was based on how satisfied are the evaluators in using the device. The findings of the study were based on the functionality test performance, and on the overall evaluation results from respondent perceptions and decisions on the device. The researchers concluded that the features of the device, portability and the sound produced by the device including the VUmeter, were satisfied, attains its purpose and specifications and works properly.