HomeThe Banquetvol. 3 no. 1 (2016)

Profile, Food Intake, Nutrition Knowledge, and Practices in Relation to Nutritional Status of College Varsity Players

Cedrine Balbes | Leonielyn Eliaga | Xea Mai Kyan Kusain | Mae Rose Malubay



Sports nutrition aims to optimize the physical performance of individuals. Thus, an athlete’s body must be heavier for a given height than a non-athlete’s body due to body dense, containing healthier bone and muscle with less fat. However, many young athletes severely restrict energy intakes to improve performance and to meet weight guidelines. This study investigated the level of knowledge and practices of proper nutrition among forty UIC college varsity students, particularly on basketball and volleyball. Data on their age, sex, food intake using the 24-hour food recall were measured through a survey questionnaire and were analyzed whether if it exist significant relationship and differences. Results revealed that the respondents’ age, sex, food intake, nutrition knowledge and practices have no significant relationship and differences in terms of their nutritional status.