HomeTin-awvol. 2 no. 1 (2018)

Factors Influencing Banana Growers Intention to Adopt Sustainable Agricultural Farming in Region XI: A Path Analysis

Raymond B. Sintos



This study determined the best fit model of intention to adopt sustainable agricultural farming among banana growers in region XI. The path analysis design was utilized in this study. Data were gathered through survey questionnaire and there were 300 banana growers who were selected using the purposive sampling. Mean was employed in analyzing the level of attitude towards sustainable farming, subjective norms, perceived behavior and intention. Pearson product moment correlation was used to analyze the relationships that existed among the variables. A multiple regression analysis was used to measure the influence of attitude towards sustainable farming, subjective norms, and perceived behavior on intention. Furthermore, path analysis with structural equation modeling was utilized to find the best fit model on intention adopted sustainable agricultural farming. The results showed that the banana growers had positive levels of attitude towards sustainable farming, subjective norms, perceived behavior and intention. Moreover, the attitude towards sustainable farming and subjective norms indirectly predict banana growers’ intention to adopt sustainable agricultural farming. Furthermore, the best fit model of intention was the hypothesized model 4 which passed all the goodness of fit indices.