HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2020)

The Characteristics of Cohesion in Malin Kundang Narrative Text

Septiana Wandira

Discipline: Education



This study attempts to answer two problems: what are the characteristics of lexical and grammatical cohesion in Malin Kundang narrative text? It describes and explains the characteristics of lexical and grammatical cohesion in Malin Kundang narrative text. As such, it is a descriptive qualitative method, describing deeply the findings. The data were taken from the written form of Malin Kundang narrative text. The result shows that the first, there are two types of lexical cohesion used in Malin Kundang narrative text namely reiteration and collocation. Reiteration consists of repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, metonymy and antonym. The second, there are three kinds of grammatical cohesion found in the Malin Kundang narrative text. They are reference, substitution and conjunction. Reference consists of personal and demonstrative reference. Personal pronouns consist of he, it, her, him, you and his while demonstrative adjective comprises of here. Besides, verbal substitution consists of do. It also found four kinds of conjunction used in this narrative text, such as additive, adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction. Additive relation consists of and, also and or. Also, because as causal conjunction. In addition, temporal conjunction that are found namely at last, after, when, after that and finally.