HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

A Project Feasibility Study for an Errand Services in Calamba City, Laguna

Kimberly V. Pelegrina | Dahzle Kaye R. Bayani | Mariel Louise P. Millare



The proponents investigated the feasibility of errand services within the vicinity of Calamba, Laguna. It is a service type business that provides an extra helping hand for working people including those single parents, students, senior citizens, and housewives or husbands. The proposed business would be the first errand services to operate in Calamba. The researchers used survey questionnaires to determine the demand and the willingness of the target market to avail the proposed service. Analysis of the survey results showed that there is 81.35% of the total target population who are willing to avail the service. With this kind of percentage coming from the possible market, it means that there is possible demand for this kind of business in Calamba. When it comes to the capital needed to establish this business, the partners need P572, 935.14. The target source of financing would be coming from the personal investment contributed by the partners. The payback period for the business is approximately 2 years and 8 months to recover the initial investment and an accounting rate of return of 51.76%. As a recommendation, the future researchers may consider an expansion of the business once it gains a considerable number of clients. The business will also need additional manpower to match the demand.