HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

A Project Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an AccounThink Library Café in Calamba, Laguna

Analyn D. Perez | Catherine A. Sibal | Veronica Ann L. Triñanes



The proponents aimed to study the feasibility of establishing a library café within the vicinity of Halang, Calamba City. It is a full-service café with a book section or library area for collaborative learning. It is a place where the customers can eat, read, and socialize in a friendly and comfortable environment. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 344 respondents to determine the range of willingness of the target market. The survey data were supplemented by an interview with the competitors of the proposed business. From the survey conducted, 95.1% of the respondents were willing to try the products and services of AccounThink Library Café. The capital needed in financing the proposed business is ®2,100,000.38, which will be coming from the personal money of each partner. With 150% mark-up on the price of the product, the payback period of the investment will be 3.55 years while the average return of investment in terms of accounting income will be 56%. When the business becomes financially stable, it should be expanded to increase its capacity and its market share. It should also add a variety of products and books that would be of interest to the costumers. Moreover, good relationship with workers, suppliers and especially with their customer should be maintained so that more customers would patronize the business.