HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

Production and Marketing of an Ergonomically Designed Posture Corrector’s Chair using Sawdust as Main Component and Recycle Pet Plastic

Reimiel Philip P. Bagamasbad | Richard I. Borsigue | Van Renbert D. Manacsa



One major problem that industrial companies face nowadays is the increasing amount of waste generated from their daily operations. This study investigated the feasibility of producing and marketing ergonomically designed posture corrector’s chair using sawdust and recycled pet plastic. The Stance Corrector’s Chair can help correct the posture of the user. The proponents combined sawdust (as the main component) with recycled pet plastic by using PUR adhesive. The researchers found out that the proposed project would help the company on their campaign on proper waste management by converting the waste into something useful and profitable. It would also reduce the unemployment rate of the chosen city and would help maintain clean and healthy surroundings. As a recommendation, further studies may be done to improve some aspects of the product to gain acceptability and a bigger market base.