HomeIAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologyvol. 7 no. 1 (2013)

Photovoltaic Activity of Anthocyanin- Sensitized Solar Cell; Anthocyanin extracted from Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

Gee Marie S. Binag

Discipline: Engineering



The quest to find environmentally clean, sustainable, and renewable energy source has been an agendum of human race. This study aimed to determine the capability of anthocyanin in the red cabbage to convert light into electricity by fabricating antho­cyanin-sensitized solar cells. Anthocyanin extracted from the crude extract of red cab­bage underwent transmittance and absorbance analysis using the UV-Vis Spectros­copy analysis to determine its light absorbing capability. Anthocyanin-sensitized solar cells are then fabricated with ZnO/Anthocyanin/Electrolyte configuration. Exposure to stray light from the fluorescent light and halogen lamp (560 nm, 100W) was car­ried out to elucidate and measure the electricity generated by the sensitized solar cell. Phytochemical analysis of the extract verified the presence of anthocyanin. A high absorption band in the wavelength range of 450-540 nm indicates the capability of anthocyanin to absorb light. The presence of electrolyte enhances the reactivity to­wards light as observed in the increase by the absorption of the samples. The current generated by the sensitized solar cell is mainly attributed to the presence of anthocy­anin in the cell where the current generated with the two light sources is comparable.