Franklin A. Samonte | Ronie G. Torres
Discipline: Engineering
The necessity of laboratory equipment for quality instruction has encouraged researchers to develop car air-conditioner trainer. This study sought to: 1) assess trainer’s acceptability and validity in terms of its design, construction, function, safety and relevance; 2) evaluate performance of experimental class with pre-test and post-test results using the trainer; and 3) compare the model price with other car air-conditioning trainers. Using statistical mean, the results revealed that the trainer is excellent based on the criteria set; thus, it is essential tool, and ready for use to facilitate actual learning experiences. The model was accepted and validated by the respondents from three technical schools. Evaluation of experimental class using t-test showed significant difference with pre-test and post-test computed value compared with tabular value; hence, the model is effective tool for learning process. The developed trainer is more affordable up to eight percent than a commercial trainer, a big savings without sacrificing quality of training for students. From the conclusion, larger size motor is recommended to drive compressor easily; electronic module to supplement the trainer should be developed relative to the demand of industry and TESDA standards; and instructors are encouraged to develop trainers to enhance teaching and learning process.
All Comments (1)
Franklin A Samonte
7 months ago
I am the first author of this study. I cannot access it online.