HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 1 no. 1 (2008)

Factors Affecting the Nurse Licensure Examination Performance as Perceived by Graduates, Faculty and Administrators

Jennifer Olivar

Discipline: Education



For the past years Nursing has become the most sought after course for most of the students, high school or second coursers alike. Philippine nursing schools increased, while medical enrollments declined, 470 schools in May 2006 opened, 370 in April 2004, 251 schools in June 2003 versus 170 schools in 1990 and 40 in 1970 (BON as cited by Macaranas, 2006). There came a rapid proliferation of nursing schools. But with the uncontrolled inflation of the number of nursing schools came the deterioration in the performance in the National Nurse licensure Examination. With a 61.45% passing rate in 1994 down to 44.75% in 2002, slightly up to 48.23% in 2003 and 52.6% in 2004 (BON as cited by Macaranas, 2006).