HomePhilosophia: International Journal of Philosophyvol. 14 no. 2 (2013)

Status of and Directions for “Filipino Philosophy” in Zialcita, Timbreza, Quito, Abulad, Mabaquiao, Gripaldo, and Co

Feorillo Petronilo Demeterio Iii

Discipline: Philosophy



This paper compares and contrasts the taxonomies and periodizations of Filipino philosophy by seven Filipino scholars—Fernando Zialcita, Florentino Timbreza, Emerita Quito, Romualdo Abulad, Napoleon Mabaquiao, Rolando Gripaldo, and Alfredo Co—in order to determine the various philosophical discourses that are present in the country, and in order to pinpoint which of these discourses offer higher developmental potentials for Filipino philosophy. For each taxonomy and periodization, this paper looks into: (1) the period covered, (2) the inclusivity or exclusivity of the classification/configuration, (3) the taxonomizer/periodizer utilized, (4) the implied structure of the classification/configuration, (5) the problematic classes/periods suggested by the classification/configuration, and (6) the promising classes/periods suggested by the classification/configuration. This paper concludes with an attempt to synthesize the thoughts of these seven scholars in a comprehensive taxonomy of Filipino philosophies and to give an overall assessment for each of these philosophies’ strengths and weaknesses.