HomeLEAPS: Miriam College Faculty Research Journalvol. 19 no. 1 (2000)

Has the Pattern Changed?: The 1999 Licensure Examinations for Teachers

Milagros D. Ibe

Discipline: Education



Scores in the 1999 Licensure Examinationsfor Teachers are presented by major test and subject area. Comparisons of these with performance of examinees in the earlier LETs indicate little change except in the ranking of the mean scores by subject. Filipino is no longer the best performed test. All the mean scores fall much below the 50 percent criterion. The examinees showed lowest competence in English and in PEHM and THE.


The Licensure Examinationfor Teachers (LET) was administered for the fourth time on August 24, 1999 since R.A. 7836 was implemented in 1996. It will be recalled that the LET took the place of the Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) which had been administered yearly by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) from 1978 to 1995.