HomeThe Journal of Historyvol. 9 no. 4 (1961)

La Guerra Contra España

Rafael Palma

Discipline: History



In these four chapters of his Historia de Filipinas, the author describes in more detail than other historians the conditions of life in the Philippines of the 19th century, and relates the causes why Jose Rizal and other leaders of thought and action of his time had to lead the people to take their destiny in their hands.  In publishing these particular chapters at this time, the Journal has in mind to help greater understanding of the significance of the works, specially the historical novels written by Rizal, whose first centenary has just been celebrated by the Filipino Nation of which he is the Father. 


La guerra de Cuba que empezo en 1894 estaba en todo su apogeo cuando ocurrio la insurreccion en Filipinas. Alarmados los espanoles de este pais por la exagerada nocion del peligro que coman sus vidas, la exaltacion patriotica del momento no ceso de pedir medidas extremadas de rigor y severidad contra los filipinos de mas influencia y responsabilidad. Creyendo erroneamente que la insurreccion era obra de los mas inteligentes y adinerados, pedian que se matara y fusilara a estos, sin contemplaciones de ningun genero. No sabian que la insurreccion habia reclutada sus proselitos entre las clases plebeyas y que los filipinos de calidad y posicion no tenian nada que ver con ella, ni podian influir en sus decisiones.


Article is written in Spanish.