HomeCLOUDvol. 1 no. 1 (2013)

Human-Machine Interaction with Radio Frequency Identification-Based Library System

Kathlynne D. Abueva | Cheryl B. Ambayec | April Love A. Lagura

Discipline: Computer Science



The title of the study is Human-Machine Interaction with Radio Frequency Identification-based Library System that can make the user interacts with the machine in borrowing and returning of books. The researchers developed a library system that can make the students borrow and return books with or without the presence of the attendant or librarian.


The researchers employed Fuzzy Logic Algorithm in the development of the hardware and software program. In the system, a transaction begins when the borrower place the book in the conveyor type platform and wait until the Radio Frequency Identification scanner reads the book tag. After scanning, the conveyor moves the book for takeout and prepares for another transaction. The system interface, to the borrower simulates a library staff. The Radio Frequency Identification scanner was embedded in the platform. When the user places the book in the platform, the scanner will scan the tag of the book and the conveyor is triggered to move. By following a set of instructions that are displayed in the interface, the borrower will be able to understand, decide, remember and learn from interacting with the machine.