HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

TOEFL Readiness Of The Selected Fourth Year Nursing Students Of University Of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University, Biñan, SY 2009-2010

Jo-mar E. Gregorio | Lena Marietta B. Lapaz

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the TOEFL readiness of the selected fourth year nursing students of University of Perpetual Help-Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University in Biñan, Laguna. Descriptive correlational analysis was adopted and data were interpreted using correlation formula, mean formula, and the grading system of Letran Calamba.


It was found out that the TOEFL readiness of the respondents is “Fair” with an average grade of 82.33%. This finding was based on the calculated test results and Letran Calamba’s performance equivalent. It was showed also that there is a significant relationship between the TOEFL test scores of the respondents and their use of English materials. Accordingly, various activities that would enhance the English communication skills of the students especially in structure and written expression should be incorporated in their lessons.