Masdan Mo ang Bukas Ko (The Making of an Environment Advocacy Song)

Antonio C. Antonio

Discipline: Music, Natural Resource Management



“Masdan Ang Bukas Ko” is more than just the making of an advocacy song. It goes beyond the mere motions of composing a song. It details the purposes and objectives, influences, emotions, thought processes, motivation, decisions and preferences on the types of music and technical processes involved in putting together these elements in a song. Writing a song is harder than poem for it entails additional elements such as rhythm, verse, chorus, bridge and genre. Environmental advocacy songs are even harder because of the relevancy factor, which should be made very clear. An environment advocacy song more often starts with a realization, which translates to concern for the environment. When one is convinced that he has to do his part, no matter how small, he would always search for the chance to make a difference. That opportunity came to me with a request to compose an environment advocacy song. The stage was perfect as songs and music is a good vehicle to propagate an advocacy. The choice of genre that would sound pleasing to greater number of listeners was critical... bossanovarumba appealed to most age groups. The actual process of composing a song is unique to a particular artist... but all these peculiarities merged with what an artist loves doing. The peace and solitude of fishing, the rhythmic waves and the spatial character of water bodies provided the perfect setting to write the song. “Masdan Ang Bukas Ko” is a song of appeal by the next generations to the present generation. It talks about the preservation of nature as a responsibility of everyone particularly those who roam the earth today. It aims to increase not only the level of awareness of everyone on environmental matters but also their level of involvement.