HomeLetran-Calamba Journal of Institutional Research and Developmentvol. 1 no. 1 (2009)

Student CNFs (creative nonfiction works) As Sites of Hegemony And Self-discovery*

Roberto DV Revilla

Discipline: Humanities



The era of creative nonfiction (CNF) is probably here exerting its influence before us. Its popularity is off to continue invading even the classroom. This study looked into the potentials of CNF as a writing technique that leads to thinking and eventually to self-discovery and gaining power. Using phenomenology and coordinated management of meaning as framework, the study used textual analysis as a means to make sense of the CNFs written by selected Communication Arts II students. The study eventually found that the CNF texts (the language, words used) are hegemonic. They empower the very writers who wrote or produced them. As a writing technique or strategy, CNF can indeed be a tool of drawing out individual realities translated into words that manifest on paper. For future studies, grounded theorizing can be used to analyze CNF textual messages and implications.

*A Communication Research conducted for CR 284 (Message Analysis) under Dr. Fernando Paragas, 1st semester, AY 2008-2009, UPD-CMC