HomeLUMINAvol. 22 no. 1 (2011)

Elitism in Pre-Colonial Akoko Society: Its Disorientation from Socio-Cultural Value in Contemporary Akoko

Olusanya Faboyede

Discipline: Social Science, Cultural Studies



Socio-cultural values (Omoluka) had contributed significantly to the indigenous system of administration and integration in Akoko community. In Akoko’s past, the concept of Omoluka (a person of integrity or uprightness) was a phenomenon which the people of Akokoland considered before the selection or appointment of any political leaders. Thus, Omoluka, an identity of uprightness in Akoko community, showcased the ethos and ideas of the Akoko people. In view of its efficacy in governance and significance in the sustenance of inter-group relations among the Akoko communities during the pre-colonial period, this paper has deemed it worthy of study as a result of the centrality and relevance of Omoluka in contemporary Akokoland. However, Omoluka, a socio-cultural phenomenon, in Akokoland has faded away as a factor of promoting unity and peaceful co-existence in Akoko region. Today, it is no longer considered as the norm and value (guiding principle) of the Akoko society, as it was in the past. Thus, this paper, therefore intends to address and underscore the threat posed by its rejection on the growth of Akokoland. The paper is situated on historical analysis of data as a framework and the concepts of the etymology of Akoko and Omoluka shall be examined.