HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Alternative Formula in Solving Thermometric Problems in Physics 2

Marilyn O. Dauz | Bernardo B. Lambitco | Josefina N. Lopez | Gerardo C. Malab

Discipline: Education



The alternative formula in the study forms the basic building block of scientific computation in thermometric problems in Physics 2. It is important to recognize that physics is a problem-solving discipline. The Physics teacher will always stress major areas and principles, and one goal is that the student will be able to apply these principles to understand and solve problems.

One of the problems that are being encountered by the students as well as the teachers is the too many conversion formulas that are involved in the temperature scales. All in all, there are 20 conversion formulas that are involved in converting temperatures from one scale to the other. The rigor of memorizing so many formulas greatly affects the performance of the students when they take up their respective board examinations, that is why memorizing is not recommended but instead try to understand the concept that led to the formula so that the student can derive them on the spot when needed. This study aimed to introduce a single formula that will embrace all the 20 conversion formulas in converting temperature scales.

Conversions from one scale to the other may be made by means of a simple proportion. The alternative-single formula that will replace all the 20 formulas stated earlier is based primarily on freezing point (or ice point) and secondarily on either the boiling point (or steam point) or the division (interval) of each temperature scale.

From the derived alternative formula, the study concludes that the students would only concentrate on understanding a single formula, which embraces all the 20 conversion formulas in converting temperature scale. The alternative formula would ease the rigor of memorizing the so many formulas on the part of the students as well as the teachers. This alternative formula is provisional and is subject to continual quantitative tests since a healthy scientific culture requires an open society and value that criticize such findings and challenge such excellence.