HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Remotely-Controlled Classroom Illumination System

Marilyn B. Magnaye

Discipline: Information Technology, Computer Technology, Study and Teaching



Lighting systems in the classrooms must provide adequate levels of illumination for reading and writing and clear visibility of the instructor and light levels that permit the clear visibility of projected images. The classroom lighting should be designed in such a manner that the students shall be encouraged to attend classes regularly and understand the subject matter tackled by an instructor or professor. Good lighting promotes better learning.

Lighting makes a significant contribution to our physical and psychological functioning. Better lighting can help increase personal independence, promote health and well-being, and prevent injuries. The purpose of good lighting in the educational facilities in any instructional activities is to encourage learning process among the students and teachers as well. Lighting that provides good modeling of human features, aids speech communication, as well as creating a visually pleasant condition. The simplest approach is to install a chalkboard luminaire, comprising a fluorescent strip with an angled reflector that achieves the double purpose of providing a sharp cut-off to obscure the lamp and an asymmetric distribution of light output to direct light onto the vertical surface.

The developed prototype for an Automated Classroom Illumination Control Device will provide adequate levels of light for reading and writing and clear visibility of the instructor and produce light levels that permit the clear visibility of projected images. The desired lux meter designed for classrooms is 110.