HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Faculty-Related Factors and Teaching Performance

Nazario L. Cebreros

Discipline: Study and Teaching



The primary goal of this study was to determine any relationship between faculty-related factors and teaching performance of the faculty members of the Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila for the School Year 2007 – 2008. Specifically this study attempted to determine the faculty teaching performance in relation to the demographic profile of the faculty members in term of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, teaching experience, monthly salary, teaching overload, research conducted, membership to professional organization,  academic affiliation, seminars/trainings attended internally and externally, and latest performance evaluation rating. 

This study involved two groups of randomly selected male and female faculty members with teaching load in the summer of 2008. The study made use of the analytico-desciptive method with the researcher-made questionnaire as the main source of the empirical data. The data gathered were verified through observation and interviews. Statistics like frequency, percentage and ranking were used to describe the weighted mean for the interpretation of the level of faculty teaching performance and to assess the related factors that influence the performance of the faculty, Pearson correlation was used.