HomeTIP Research Journal Quezon Cityvol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Treatment of Engineering Uncertainty in the Perspective of Probabilistic Method of Structural Design

Allan B. Benogsudan

Discipline: Engineering, Architecture



The treatment of engineering uncertainty in the perspective of probabilistic method of structural design presents a viable way of overcoming uncertainty through understanding of its essential statistical information. This practically provides a scenario of discrete solution to uncertainty by selecting the level of risk a designer is willing and allowed to exercise considering factors such as economy, environmental impact, and functionality of the design.


In this study, a hypothetical steel beam was evaluated using load and resistance normal variables, multiple load case to show the effect of the probabilistic method in treating engineering uncertainty. In order to observe its effect, the parameters of resistance and load capacity factors, and its safety indices were solved not only by means of probabilistic method but also by deterministic method in order to establish a parallelism between these two approaches.