HomeTIP Research Journal Quezon Cityvol. 5 no. 1 (2008)

Correlates Of College Of Business Education Students’ Readines For Research

James Paul P. Ignacio



Research is the lifeblood of higher education. In fact, no student in the tertiary level can escape form conducting scientific and logical researches. One of the major concerns of higher education is not to develop but at least to evaluate knowledge, programs, and policies through research. The vision of Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) is to become a school steeped in research by the year 2012. Thus, the institution must give great focus on the readiness of the students in undertaking research studies.

This study was endeavored to correlate between students’ readiness for research and students characteristics. The respondents of this study were randomly selected third year students from the College of Business Education of Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. The independent variables of this study are the profiles of the respondents including gender, leadership style, and English proficiency; and learning environment profile such as curriculum, utilities and equipment, facilities, and faculty. Respondents’ research readiness in terms of mind set, knowledge, and skills were used as the dependent variables. The correlation method was used to answer the problems raised in this study. The main research instrument used was the problems questionnaire. Which, consist of four parts such as Personal Data, Leadership Style Survey, English Proficiency, and Research Readiness Survey.

Frequencies and percentages were used to describe the respondents. The Mean was used to determine the overall response of the respondents. And to determine the relationship between respondents and school profiles, and research readiness, the Pearson-Product Moment Correlation was utilized.

Results show that the female respondents have greater mindset and knowledge on research than males, while males are more skillful than females in conducting research. Participative leaders have greater research readiness in terms of mind set, knowledge, and skills than authoritarian and delegate leaders. Utilities and equipment have little relationship to skills. Results also show that knowledge and exposure on the curriculum, utilities and equipment of the institution are moderately adequate. Library is rated as very adequate, while computer laboratory, instructional technology room, educational media center, research development center, and study area rated as moderately adequate. The faculty is rated, also as moderately adequate. The mind-set of the respondents to research is moderately high, hence the respondents moderately understand the meaning and structure of research, and knowledgeable on the research methodology. Similarly, they are skillful to conduct research. The relationship between English proficiency and research readiness is insignificant. The curriculum, facilities, and faculty are insignificantly related to research readiness. There is a negligible relationship between utilities and equipment, and knowledge.