HomeThe Lampvol. 1 no. 2 (2010)

Related Learning Experience Evaluation and Learning Outcomes of Level III Nursing Students at AFP Medical Center S.Y. 2009-2010 Students’ Research Output

Jude Mikhail M. Sadang | Katherine C. Sadsad | Dana Alyssa C. Shammas | Ralph Christopher D. Suiza | Jay Jayson M. Sumayao | Antonio Gabriel T. Tabirao | Anna Leah M. Torres | Connie G. Valdez | Anne Marie O. Zacarias | John Kenny Vher H. Cura | Armel B. Gonzalez

Discipline: Education



Arellano University, College of Nursing is guided by philosophy, objectives, mission and vision in order to actualize the training of excellent professional nurses. With this in view, the researcher as a student of this university desire to determine the evaluation of related learning experiences and learning outcomes offered by AFP Medical Center to prepare nursing students for global competitiveness in health care. The university has 20 affiliated hospitals for Level III nursing students, with public hospitals outnumbering the private hospitals. But the question is; do these affiliated hospitals equip the student nurses with essential knowledge, skills, attitude and experience?