HomeThe Asia-Pacific Education Researchervol. 20 no. 1 (2011)

Effects of an Online GEPT Simulated-Test English Remedial Course on Test Performance, English Language Learning Strategy Use and Perceptions

Chuen-maan Sheu

Discipline: Education




This study aimed to investigate students’ General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)-test performance, employment of English language learning strategy use, and their perceptions after taking an Online GEPT simulated-test English remedial course. The subjects included a total of 498 third-year students at a national technical university in southern Taiwan, who failed to pass the graduation threshold—official GEPT elementary-level tests—by the end of their sophomore year of study, and were required to take one-semester zero-credit online remedial course in the subsequent academic year. Eight units of simulated tests of GEPT elementary level of reading and listening comprehension tests constituted this online remedial course. Data were collected by three instruments: 1) pre- and post test of an independent unit of GEPT elementary-level listening and reading comprehension tests; 2) pre- and post survey of Yang’s (1992) Chinese version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL); 3) Survey on Students’ Perceptions toward the online remedial English course. The results showed: 1) all students in the eleven classes had a significant progress in the listening test performance, and those in the four classes in the reading test; 2) students demonstrated significant improvements in their English language learning strategy use; 3) higher percentage of students held favorable attitudes toward this online remedial course and self-perceived an enhancement in learning motivation and confidence.