HomeLetran-Calamba Journal of Institutional Research and Developmentvol. 1 no. 1 (2009)

The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader By John Maxwell (1999): A Book Review*

Ria Dg Ladisla

Discipline: Management



Maxwell’s book brings to fore the most noteworthy qualities of a successful leader. In this review, the author (Ms. Ladisla) saw interconnections between and among the 21 indispensable qualities of a leader. “I can’t help but see an interconnection or identify similarities and overlapping qualities in the situational samples or anecdotes …,” she wrote. Indeed, she concluded, “the qualities are linked together—prerequisites of the others.” The book could be read by leaders and non-leaders alike to reflect, review, and renew their traits that make them someone others would want to follow.

A book critique submitted as a partial requirement in Organizational Communication, 1st Trisem, AY 2009-2010, Letran GSPS, under Prof. Roberto DV. Revilla.