Article List (w/ Chemical Engineering Discipline)

Open Access Subscription Access

Physico-chemical Analysis and Morphometric Variability Within and Between Populations of Pitar frizzelli in Panguil Bay, Philippines

Hata-as, Liza T. | Demayo, Cesar G.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

Rainwater Chemistry and Biochemical Effects: Basis for Air Quality Assessment of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Palmes, Nenita D. | Del Rosario, Romeo M.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ozonated Coconut Oil in a Single-Cylinder, Direct Injection Diesel Engine

Dimapalao, Muhamad-ali K.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

Development of Non-Load Bearing Hollow Blocks Utilizing Coconut Shells in Concrete Mixture

Herrera, Merlin D.

Discipline: Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Preferred Entry Competencies of Chemical Engineers in Manufacturing Industries

General, Cecilia P.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

Activated Carbon from Various Agricultural Wastes and their Efficacy for the Removal of Dyes and Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions

Lizardo, Allan M.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

The Potential of Calcium Carbonate from Philippine Green Mussel Shells as Extender in the Manufacture of Flat Latex Paints

Musico, Yvonne Ligaya F.

Discipline: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering

Development and Evaluation of the Pipe Moulded from Plastic Bags

Carillo, Lorraine A.

Discipline: Chemical Engineering

Assessment Of Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Compressed and Liquefied Natural Gas with Possibilistic Uncertainty Analysis

Tan, Raymond R. | Culaba, Alvin B.

Discipline: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering