HomePhilippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciencesvol. 29 no. 1 (2003)

Leaf Meals of Gliricidia Sepium and Samanea Saman as Protein Supplements for Goats

Teresita A. Atega | Calixta B. Alinea | Antonio A. Rayos | Alberto Y. Robles

Discipline: Natural Sciences, Agriculture



A feeding trial was conducted to enhance the utilization of Gliricidia sepium (Kakawate) and Samanea saman (Acacia) as protein supplement for goats. Fifteen (is) dairy goats of Saanen breed were randomly allotted to three rations: Ration 1 -grass and Gliricidia leaf meal at SO% of the ration on dry matter basis; Ration 2 - grass and Samanea leaf meal at 50% of dry matter ration; and Ration 3 - grass plus concentrate (control). The milk yield of goats fed with concentrates was higher than that of those fed without concentrates, however milk yield means of the three treatments did not differ significantly (P>0.05). Milk composition of goats fed different rations also showed no significant difference, although milk obtained from goats fed concentrate supplementation had the lowest protein and the highest butterfat.

Income over feed cost was favorable in treatment groups feeding on leaf meals (P15.46 and P16.04) than that of those feeding on concentrates (P9.84). All the rations were profitable assuming that feed cost represents 60% of the total cost to produce a liter of milk.