HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Socio-Economic Impact of Commuters’ Experiences and Possible Jeepney Ergonomic Redesign

Elnora T. Lucero

Discipline: Economics, Socioeconomics



One of the most fundamental, apart from basic, needs of man is safety and comfort – the need for physical satisfaction, freedom from any physical danger, harm, and unexpected emergencies. This need is the focus of ergonomics when designing.

Jeeps, as remnants of war, were converted to utility-type vehicles by customization and later by mass production through Filipino ingenuity and creativity anchored in aesthetic– and commercialized-based considerations without concrete product research (including needs analysis and product performance). When faced with the stiff competition created by custom-makers and controlled by operators’ buying capacity, the passengers are the ultimate victims in this tug-of-war between two players.

Thus, this study presents the existing jeepney design affecting commuters’ travel experiences; the features of the redesign as proposed design and its possible impact to passengers, drivers, operators, suppliers, and to the society; and the eventual upgrading out of proposed design gap involving selective feature combination of taxi, bus, ship, and other product design integration.

To be effective, regulating bodies can strictly implement compliance prior to franchise grant or be at the rescue for some financing. Regular compliance check is not in itself a clout. Implementers’ seriousness is of moral choice apart from call of duty while the operators’ adherence to policy is of major financial decision and burden. The riding public’s clamor can be as influential. Where demand for such design is not mandatory, the tourism industry and the selective destinations of budding corporate people could be the target priorities.