vol. 18, no. 2 (2012)
UIC Research Journal
The UIC RESEARCH JOURNAL is a bi-annual refereed journal published by the Research and Development Center of the University of the Immaculate Conception, which tackles significant issues in the disciplines of humanities and languages, natural and health sciences, mathematics and physical sciences, engineering and information technology, education and social sciences, and business. This periodical is committed in giving the faculty members the apt avenue to fully develop their intellectual traits through the publication of their research outputs and other scholarly endeavors.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Engineering, Mathematics, and Technology
Engineering Board Examination Results: A Measure of the Predictive Influence of the General Education and Professional Subjects
Alberto G. Forones Jr.
Discipline: Education, Engineering
Forecasting Coconut Yield: A Comparative Study between the Use of Traditional Forecasting and Feed Forward Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network
Eric John G. Emberda | Den Ryan L. Dumas | Timothy Pierce M. Rentillo
Discipline: Agriculture
Consolidating Google APIs for Improved Project Management
Exander T. Barrios | Helenna Jo R. Gido | Jenny Mae S. Palarca | Geraldine E. Villegas
Discipline: Information Technology
Formulation and Sun Protection Factor Estimation of Squash Cucurbita maxima Seeds Sunblock Lotion
Mary Jane G. Barluado
Discipline: Health, Natural Sciences
Motivations to Engage in Intentional Condomless Anal Intercourse (Bareback Sex) in HIV Risks Context among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Davao City

Elizabeth M. Malonzo
Discipline: Health
The Behavior of Nursing Students in the Clinical Area and the Manifestation of the Ideal Nursing Roles
Fe Frauline C. Magdaluyo
Discipline: Health
Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Hospital Food Handlers in Davao City
Jason O. Molina
Discipline: Health
Governance in Nurse Migration
S. Ma. Remegia M. Cirujales
Discipline: Nursing
Philosophy and Education
Being-for-Itself as Freedom: A Preliminary Inquiry on Jean-Paul Sartre’s Philosophy of the Human Person
Asisclo Iii M. Abonado
Discipline: Philosophy, Humanities
Strengthening and Preserving Practices of Philippine Folk Dances in Relation to Cultural Awareness of Secondary Students of Davao City
Porferia S. Poralan | Rene M. Babiera | Rebecca P. Habla
Discipline: Humanities
Institutional Leadership, Teacher’s Competence on Curricular Trends and Student’s Performance in Science
Camfel V. Balaud-tabboga
Discipline: Education
Faculty Behavioral Intention to Adopt Web 2.0 Technologies: A Path Analysis
Cromwell M. Castillo
Discipline: Education, Information Technology
Stakeholder’s Program Evaluation and Review: Leading to the Enhancement of Computer Engineering Curricular Program
Renan P. Limjuco | Juvie Pauline L. Relacion
Discipline: Education
Quality and Safety Evaluation of Commercial Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) Capsule
Ma. Eva C. San Juan | Razle R. Alagos | Ruiza R. Alocelja | Ruel S. Manluyang Jr.
Discipline: Health
Toxicological and Antimicrobial Evaluations of Formulated Ointment from Eskwater (Mikania cordata Asteraceae) Leaf Extract against Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Judee N. Nogodula
Discipline: Chemistry
Bronchodilating Activity of Formulated Syrup of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Moraceae) Root Extract in Albino Rats
Kathleen G. Bersabal | Angeli B. Alaza | Charlotte Grace D. De Claro | Bianca Karla P. Licatan
Discipline: Health, Chemistry
Bacteriological, Toxicological and Mutagenic Evaluations of the Formulated Ointment of Knobweed (Hyptis capitata Jacq.) Leaf Extract against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Judee N. Nogodula | Rose Ann S. Mancenido | Ivana Lee M. Miranda | Darlene S. Quiñon
Discipline: Chemistry