Article List (w/ Earth Science Discipline)

Open Access Subscription Access

Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of an Akaganeite-type Iron Oxide Octahedral Molecular Sieves

Nicolas-tolentino, Elaine | Alfornon, Pamela

Discipline: Earth Science, Geology

Air Polluton: Its Importance In MARPOL Annexes

Java, Enrique P. | Yongque, Isidro | Cruz, Teresita A.

Discipline: Earth Science

Hydrometeorological Risk Anaylysis on the City of Malabon

Banaguas, Glenn S.

Discipline: Natural Sciences, Earth Science, Science

Impact Assessment of Super Typhoon Megi, "Juan", on the Philippine Agricultural Sector

Banaguas, Glenn S.

Discipline: Natural Sciences, Earth Science, Science

Application of Artificial Neural Network Multi-Layered Perceptron in Flood Forecasting Implemented in C++

Milagroso, Ronaldo D.

Discipline: Earth Science


Guanzon, Johannes A. | Tan, Esther Consuelo C.

Discipline: Earth Science, Law

Heavy Metals in the Water Column of Iloilo-Guimaras Jetty Port (Parola Wharf )

Sarinas, Brian Gil S. | Gellada, Lorna D. | Magramo, Melchor M. | Terunez, Marlon | Inocencio, Giancarlo M. | Duero, Cylin Ed S. | Segunla, Greg S. | Cleofas, Felix Kevin J.

Discipline: Natural Sciences, Earth Science, Environmental Science

Mapping of Climate Change in the Philippines

Wood, Ma. Rosario G.

Discipline: Natural Sciences, Earth Science

Extrapolating from Students’ Preconception to “Scientific” Consensus: Singapore Secondary Students’ Conversation on Earth

Wang, Xueli | Kim, Beaumie | Kim, Mi Song

Discipline: Earth Science

Contribution of Smoke-Belching Vehicles to the Green House Gases Concentration in the City of Dipolog, Philippines

Gilaga, Bernard G. | Pallega, Rowell B.

Discipline: Earth Science

Sunny the Rainy, Rainy the Sunny: Climate Change Through the Eyes of DOSCST Students

Baquiano, Marshaley J.

Discipline: Earth Science